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Discover the latest news on the European Space Agency's Earth Observation activities. Learn all about new data availability and how ESA's missions are performing.
  • Celebrating ESA’s first small satellite with science success

    22 Feb 2024

    Scientists and data users gathered at a special workshop to celebrate the end of PROBA-1’s CHRIS sensor and discuss the results of this overachieving mission.

  • Workshop celebrates end of long-running PROBA-1 satellite

    31 Oct 2023

    In January, ESA will mark the end of its long-running CHRIS sensor onboard the PROBA-1 satellite in a special workshop.

  • PROBA-1 - End of CHRIS acquisitions

    19 Jan 2023

    The CHRIS instrument onboard PROBA-1 successfully ended its operational phase in December 2022 and will no longer acquire images.

  • Highlights from Living Planet Symposium

    13 June 2022

    As remote sensing scientists and data-users from around the world converged at the Living Planet Symposium (LPS) in Bonn recently, a common thread was evident in many scientific sessions and meetings – the right environmental data can accelerate our understanding of the rapid changes in Earth’s system.

  • Release of CHRIS PROBA-1 toolbox for SNAP

    29 Jan 2021

    PROBA -1 continues to provide valuable hyperspectral data to the scientific community, and so the tools to handle this data have been incorporated into ESA’s SNAP multi-mission toolbox.