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  • Satellites expand research on Space Weather and Sun-Earth Interactions

    Earth observation data provide vital warnings about the impact of solar activity and strive to unravel the influence the Sun has on Earth’s system.

  • SMOS Comparison Tool

    SMOS Comparison Tool (SCoT) software can be used to produce comparison plots, statistics and histograms between two SMOS products of the same type.

  • ESA's Earth Explorers surpassing expectations

    In this video, learn how each Earth Explorer mission is contributing to Earth science, and changing the way we look at our beloved planet.

  • Living Planet Symposium 2022

    Learn about the 2022 edition of ESA's Living Planet Symposium.

  • Reports from Mission Selection - The Four Candidate Earth Explorer Core Missions

    The Living Planet Programme document (ESA SP-1227, available on this Library) describes the plans for the Agency's new strategy for Earth Observation in the post-2000 time frame. Out of the nine Earth Explorer Core Missions identified in 1996, four Core Missions were selected for Phase-A studies, which began in 1998, namely: the Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Mission; the Land-Surface Processes and Interaction Mission; the Earth Radiation Mission; and the Atmospheric Dynamics Mission. The 4 volumes forming this Special Publication describe in detail each single mission.


    The Read-Write Application Programming Interface tool can be used to read, extract and write information from any kind of SMOS Level 1 or Level 2 soil moisture and sea surface salinity data products in Matlab.

  • SMOS Toolbox

    SMOS Toolbox for SNAP (SMOS-Box) supports those using data acquired by ESA’s Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission.