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  • Spotlight on Third Party Mission provider: Airbus

    Airbus' space technologies have a growing impact on people's daily life: from deep-space exploration and scientific missions, to today's most reliable secure telecommunications and Earth observation (EO) satellites.

  • Commercial and international data for fire monitoring

    As climate change sparks a surge in the frequency and intensity of wildfires, satellite data disseminated through ESA’s Third Party Missions (TPM) programme are helping scientists to track and investigate these potentially damaging natural events.

  • An overview of ESA's Third Party Missions programme

    ESA’s Third Party Missions programme consists of almost 50 satellite missions, which are owned by organisations around the world. ESA has agreements with these organisations to acquire, process, and distribute data from their missions

  • SEASAR 2012

    The European Space Agency and the Norwegian Space Centre jointly organised the fourth SAR oceanography workshop, 'SEASAR 2012', entitled 'Advances in SAR Oceanography'.

  • IGARSS 2019

    World-class scientists, engineers and educators in geoscience and remote sensing gathered in Yokohama, Japan, for the 39th annual IGARSS symposium.

  • POLinSAR 2007

    The POLinSAR 2007 workshop was open to ESA Principal Investigators and co-investigators, scientists and students working in the field of SAR Polarimetry and Polarimetric Interferometry, and to representatives from national, European and international space agencies and value adding industry.

  • POLinSAR 2005

    The objectives of the POLinSAR 2005 workshop was to present the latest studies and results of SAR polarimetry and polarimetric interferometry.