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  • ESA's improved Earth system data records: what is in store for the future?

    Fundamental Data Records (FDRs) are instrumental in advancing our understanding of Earth systems and for addressing societal challenges effectively. These long-term records contain uncertainty-quantified, calibrated and geo-located multi-instrument/multi-platform satellite sensor data spanning several decades to support climate-related applications.

  • Transforming space data into climate action

    ESA’s Earth observation activities are playing a key role in the revitalised global drive to combat climate change.

  • Introducing Mirko Albani

    In this short introduction, ESA's Heritage Missions Programme Manager describes what he likes most about ESA's long term archive of satellite mission data and his role in the programme.

  • New reprocessing of datasets celebrates 30 years of ERS

    The ERS programme celebrated its 30th anniversary on 17 July. Today, we are still exploiting ERS data and experts continue to work on improving the altimeter, radiometer and SAR data the programme acquired.

  • ERS - ESA’s first Earth observation satellites

    To mark the 30th anniversary of ERS, we've released a new infographic summarising the mission.

  • Spacelab-in-context.pdf

    This document provides an overview of Spacelab, a joint ESA-NASA laboratory that was carried aboard space shuttles from 1981 to 2000.

  • Heritage Missions app for iOS

    Download the Heritage Missions application to discover what the missions were about, how it worked and what the elements of the space and ground segment that make these missions unique.

  • Heritage Missions app for Android

    Download the Heritage Missions application to discover what the missions were about, how it worked and what the elements of the space and ground segment that make these missions unique.

  • ARTEMIS-Paving-the-way-for-Europes-future-data-relay-land-mobile-and-Navigation-Services.pdf

    This brochure provides an overview of Artemis, ESAs telecommunications satellite.

  • Towards More Efficient Use of Radar-Altimeter Data

    Twenty years ago, experimental altimeters on NASA's Skylab and Geos-3 were already demonstrating the potential of such instrumentation. This led in turn to the development and launch by NASA in July 1978 of the Seasat oceanographic satellite mission. Both Geos-3 and Seasat were very successful in their pioneering missions, but were limited somewhat by poor coverage in the case of Geos-3 and an abnormally short mission duration in Seasat's case.

  • Understanding climate change from space

    This document describes ESA's Climate Change Initiative, and how it is intended to contribute towards monitoring and understanding the Earth's climate.

  • ERS

    The ERS programme was composed of two missions, ERS-1 and ERS-2, which together observed the Earth for 20 years, from 1991 to 2011.

  • SCIRoCCo

    The SCIRoCCo project is an interdisciplinary cooperation of scatterometry experts aimed at promoting the continuing exploitation of ESA's unique 20 years' worth of ERS Scatterometer data.

  • Quality Assessment of CERSAT Altimeter Products

    The first results of the CERSAT QIP and QPR quality assessments are presented in this report.

  • DMC-Product-Manual-for-the-DMC-Europe-2007-Coverage

    The data products supplied by DMCII are derived from images acquired by the DMC satellites. The primary payload on the DMC satellites is the SLIM-6 imager manufactured by SSTL, UK. This manual will aid users in their analysis of the data products to maximise the information they can extract from the DMC images by providing a thorough description of the data products, the imaging payload, the calibration procedure and the orthorectification process.

  • Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) - 10-Year Implementation Plan Reference Document

    The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) 10-Year Implementation Plan, endorsed by nearly 60 governments and the European Commission on 16 February 2005, is designed to qualitatively improve our understanding of the Earth system, markedly enhancing global policy- and decision-making abilities to promote the environment, human health, safety, and welfare.

  • Earth Images Catalogue - 13 LEDA

    The Earth Images Catalogue (LEDA - on-Line Earthnet Data Availability) is a catalogue of remotely-sensed satellite imagery. It consists of four general series of images: LANDSAT, NOAA/TIROS, Marine Observation Satellites series (MOS), and Nimbus-7. This guide describes the catalogue and how to use it.

  • DRAGON 2 Programme - Brochure 2011

    The Dragon Programme is a cooperation between ESA and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of the P.R. China. This 2011 Dragon 2 Programme brochure presents the activities undertaken since the formal start of programme that was in April 2008 in Beijing, P.R. China.

  • CEOS 2004

    The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) was created in 1984, in response to a recommendation from a Panel of Experts on Remote Sensing from Space, under the aegis of the Economic Summit of Industrialised Nations Working Group on Growth, Technology and Employment. This brochure provides an overview of CEOS as of 2004.

  • ESA Bulletin 158 - Space for Europe

    The Bulletin is ESA's house magazine containing articles and general information related to the various activities and programmes of the Agency. Follow the full-text link to read the latest issue of the magazine on line. You can find links to previous issues here.