earth online
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  • News - Thematic area articles

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    Satellites expand research on Space Weather and Sun-Earth Interactions

    Earth observation data provide vital warnings about the impact of solar activity and strive to unravel the influence the Sun has on Earth’s system.

  • News - Data Release news

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    GOCE magnetometer data now available to support Swarm Sciences

    We are pleased to announce the new release of magnetic field data recorded by Fluxgate magnetometers operated onboard the Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) satellite.

  • Tools - Processing

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    GSEP (GOCE-Swarm Exploration Platform) is an online client tool designed to select GOCE and Swarm products, display them on a virtual globe and disseminate views of them.

  • Tools - Analysis

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    The GOCEXML2ASCII parser is a very fast and memory-efficient XML to ASCII converter for GOCE Level 2 EGG_NOM and SST_PSO data.