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  • ERS ATSR fourth Reprocessing datasets available to users

    The fourth Reprocessing of the ATSR L1B datasets derived from the ERS-1 and ERS-2 satellites have now been released to users by the European Space Agency (ESA).

  • ERS ATSR L1B Brightness Temperature/Radiance [ER1_AT_1_RBT / ER2_AT_1_RBT]

    Band measurements with associated uncertainty estimates. The ERS-1/2 ATSR Level 1B Brightness Temperature/Radiance products (RBT) contain top of atmosphere (TOA) brightness temperature (BT) values for the infra-red channels and radiance values for the visible channels, when available, on a 1-km pixel grid. The visible channels are only available for the ATSR-2 instrument. Values for each channel and for the nadir and oblique views occupy separate NetCDF files within the Sentinel-SAFE format, along with associated uncertainty estimates. Additional files contain cloud flags, land and water masks, and confidence flags for each image pixel, as well as instrument and ancillary meteorological information. The ATSR-1 and ATSR-2 products [ER1_AT_1_RBT and ER2_AT_1_RBT], in NetCDF format stemming from the 4th ATSR reprocessing, are precursors of Envisat AATSR and Sentinel-3 SLSTR data. They have replaced the former L1B products [AT1_TOA_1P and AT2_TOA_1P] in Envisat format from the 3rd reprocessing. Users with Envisat-format products are recommended to move to the new Sentinel-SAFE like/NetCDF format products, and consult the ERS ATSR Product Notice Readme document. The processing updates that have been put in place and the expected scientific improvements for the ERS ATSR 4th reprocessing data have been outlined in full in the User Documentation for (A)ATSR 4th Reprocessing Products

  • Showcasing Fundamental Data Records for Altimetry

    ESA has developed a comprehensive suite of Earth system data records as part of the Fundamental Data Records for Altimetry (FDR4ALT) project.

  • ESA's improved Earth system data records: what is in store for the future?

    Fundamental Data Records (FDRs) are instrumental in advancing our understanding of Earth systems and for addressing societal challenges effectively. These long-term records contain uncertainty-quantified, calibrated and geo-located multi-instrument/multi-platform satellite sensor data spanning several decades to support climate-related applications.

  • Earth Online Newsletter - 08 March 2024

    This issue of the Earth Online Newsletter covers a selection of the latest news and events from ESA.

  • FDR4ALT - ESA unveils new cutting-edge ERS/Envisat Altimeter and Microwave Radiometer Datasets

    The European Space Agency (ESA) has developed a comprehensive suite of innovative Earth system data records as part of the Fundamental Data Records for Altimetry project - FDR4ALT.

  • FDR4ALT-Validation-Report-TDP-Sea-Ice

    FDR4ALT Product Validation Report: Sea-Ice TDP

  • FDR4ALT-Validation-Report-TDP-Ocean-Waves

    FDR4ALT Product Validation Report: Ocean Waves TDP

  • FDR4ALT-Validation-Report-TDP-Ocean-Coastal

    Product Validation Report: Ocean & Coastal TDP

  • FDR4ALT-Validation-Report-TDP-Land-Ice

    FDR4ALT Product Validation Report: Land-Ice TDP

  • FDR4ALT-Validation-Report-TDP-Inland-Waters

    FDR4ALT Product Validation Report: Inland Waters TDP

  • FDR4ALT-Validation-Report-TDP-Atmosphere

    FDR4ALT Product Validation Report: Atmosphere TDP

  • FDR4ALT-Validation-Report-FDR

    FDR4ALT Product Validation Report: FDR

  • FDR4ALT-Uncertainties-Characterisations

    FDR4ALT Uncertainty Characterisation Report

  • FDR4ALT-Products-User-Guide

    FDR4ALT Product User Guide

  • FDR4ALT-Product-Requirements-Format-Specifications

    FDR4ALT Products Requirements and Format Specification

  • FDR4ALT-Detailed-Processing-Model

    FDR4ALT Detailed Processing Model

  • FDR4ALT-Completeness-Report-MWR-Products

    FDR4ALT Completeness Report: MWR

  • FDR4ALT-Completeness-Report-ALT-Products

    FDR4ALT Completeness Report: ALT

  • Fundamental Data Records for Radiometry [MWR_FDR___]

    This dataset is a Fundamental Data Record (FDR) resulting from the ESA FDR4ALT project. The Fundamental Data Record for Radiometry V1 products contain intercalibrated Top of the Atmosphere brightness temperatures at 23.8 and 36.5 GHz. The collection covers data for the ERS-1, ERS-2 and Envisat missions, and is built upon a new processing of Level 0 data, incorporating numerous improvements in terms of algorithms, flagging procedures, and corrections. Compared to existing datasets, the Radiometry FDR demonstrates notable improvements in several aspects: New solutions for instrumental effects (ERS Reflector loss, Skyhorn, and Sidelobe corrections) Native sampling rate of 7Hz with enhanced coverage The FDR4ALT products are available in NetCDF format. Free standard tools for reading NetCDF data can be used. Information for expert altimetry users is also available in a dedicated NetCDF group within the products. Please consult the FDR4ALT Product User Guide before using the data. The FDR4ALT datasets represent the new reference data for the ERS/Envisat altimetry missions, superseding any previous mission data. Users are strongly encouraged to make use of these datasets for optimal results.