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  • Landsat 8 Collection 2 European Coverage

    This dataset contains the European coverage of Landsat-8 Collection 2 data, both Level-1 and Level-2, acquired since the beginning of the mission. Landsat-8 Collection 2 is the result of a reprocessing effort on the archive and on newly acquired products with significant improvement with respect to Collection 1 on data quality, obtained by means of advancements in data processing and algorithm development. Primarily, this involves a relevant improvement in the absolute geolocation accuracy (now re-baselined to the European Space Agency Copernicus Sentinel-2 Global Reference Image (GRI) but also includes updated digital elevation modelling sources, improved Radiometric Calibration (even correction for the TIRS striping effect), enhanced Quality Assessment Bands, updated and consistent metadata files and usage of Cloud Optimised Georeferenced (COG) Tagged Image File Format. Landsat-8 Level-1 products combine data from the two Landsat instruments, OLI and TIRS. The Level-1 products generated can be either L1TP or L1GT: L1TP - Level-1 Precision Terrain (Corrected) (L1T) products: Radiometrically calibrated and orthorectified using ground control points (GCPs) and digital elevation model (DEM) data to correct for relief displacement. The highest quality Level-1 products suitable for pixel-level time series analysis. GCPs used for L1TP correction are derived from the Global Land Survey 2000 (GLS2000) data set. L1GT - Level-1 Systematic Terrain (Corrected) (L1GT) products: L1GT data products consist of Level-0 product data with systematic radiometric, geometric and terrain corrections applied and resampled for registration to a cartographic projection, referenced to the WGS84, G873, or current version. The dissemination server contains three different classes of Level-1 products Real Time (RT): Newly acquired Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS data are processed upon downlink but use an initial TIRS line-of-sight model parameters; the data are made available in less than 12 hours (4-6 hours typically). Once the data have been reprocessed with the refined TIRS parameters, the products are transitioned to either Tier 1 or Tier 2 and removed from the Real-Time tier (in 14-16 days). Tier 1 (T1): Landsat scenes with the highest available data quality are placed into Tier 1 and are considered suitable for time-series analysis. Tier 1 includes Level-1 Precision and Terrain (L1TP) corrected data that have well-characterized radiometry and are inter-calibrated across the different Landsat instruments. The georegistration of Tier 1 scenes is consistent and within prescribed image-to-image tolerances of ≦ 12-metre radial root mean square error (RMSE). Tier 2 (T2): Landsat scenes not meeting Tier 1 criteria during processing are assigned to Tier 2. Tier 2 scenes adhere to the same radiometric standard as Tier 1 scenes, but do not meet the Tier 1 geometry specification due to less accurate orbital information (specific to older Landsat sensors), significant cloud cover, insufficient ground control, or other factors. This includes Systematic Terrain (L1GT) and Systematic (L1GS) processed data. Landsat-8 Level-2 products are generated from L1GT and L1TP Level-1 products that meet the <76 degrees Solar Zenith Angle constraint and include the required auxiliary data inputs to generate a scientifically viable product. The data are available a couple of days after the Level-1 T1/T2. The Level-2 products generated can be L2SP or L2SR: L2SP - Level-2 Science Products (L2SP) products: include Surface Reflectance (SR), Surface Temperature (ST), ST intermediate bands, an angle coefficients file, and Quality Assessment (QA) Bands. L2SR - Level-2 Surface Reflectance (L2SR) products: include Surface Reflectance (SR), an angle coefficients file, and Quality Assessment (QA) Bands; it is generated if ST could not be generated. Two different categories of Level-1 products are offered: LC with Optical, Thermal and Quality Map images, LO with Optical and Quality Map images (Thermal not available). For the Level-2 data, only LC combined products are generated.

  • VT GOCE Data

    This collection contains the VT GOCE software and associated data set needed to run the software that is used for GOCE data visualisation.


    GOCE total electron content (TEC) and rate of TEC index (ROTI) data.

  • GOCE Telemetry

    This collection contains all GOCE platform and instruments telemetry. For details see the Packets Description file.

  • GOCE Thermosphere Data

    Thermospheric density and crosswind data products derived from GOCE data. Latest baseline _0200. The GOCE+ Air Density and Wind Retrieval using GOCE Data project produced a dataset of thermospheric density and crosswind data products which were derived from ion thruster activation data from GOCE telemetry. The data was combined with the mission's accelerometer and star camera data products. The products provide data continuty and extend the accelerometer-derived thermosphere density data sets from the CHAMP and GRACE missions. The resulting density and wind observations are made available in the form of time series and grids. These data can be applied in investigations of solar-terrestrial physics, as well as for the improvement and validation of models used in space operations. Funded by ESA through the Support To Science Element (STSE) of ESA's Earth Observation Envelope Programme, supporting the science applications of ESA's Living Planet programme, the project was a partnership between TU Delft, CNES and Hypersonic Technology Göttingen. Dataset history Date Change Reason 18/04/2019 - Time series data v2.0, covering the whole mission - Updated data set user manual - New satellite geometry and aerodynamic model - New vertical wind field - New data for the deorbit phase, (GPS+ACC and GPS-only versions) Updated satellite models and additional data 14/07/2016 - Time series data v1.5, covering the whole mission - Updated data set user manual Removal of noisy data 31/07/2014 - Time series data v1.4, covering the whole mission - Gridded data, now including error estimates - Updated data set user manual; Updated validation report; Updated ATBD Full GOCE dataset available 28/09/2013 Version 1.3 density/winds timeseries and gridded data released. User manual updated to v1.3 Bug fix and other changes 04/09/2013 Version 1.2 density/winds timeseries and gridded data released, with user manual First public data release of thermospheric density/winds data

  • GOCE Global Gravity Field Models and Grids

    This collection contains gravity gradient and gravity anomalies grids at ground level and at satellite height. In addition it contains the GOCE gravity field models (EGM_GOC_2, EGM_GCF_2) and their covariance matrices (EGM_GVC_2): GOCE Gravity solution GRIDS Gridded Gravity gradients and anomalies at ground level: GO_CONS_GRC_SPW_2__20091101T000000_20111231T235959_0001.TGZ GO_CONS_GRC_SPW_2__20091101T055147_20120731T222822_0001.TGZ GO_CONS_GRC_SPW_2__20091101T055226_20131020T033415_0002.TGZ GO_CONS_GRC_SPW_2__20091009T000000_20131021T000000_0201.TGZ. Latest baseline is: GO_CONS_GRC_SPW_2__20091009T000000_20131021T000000_0201.TGZ. Gridded Gravity gradients and anomalies at satellite height: GO_CONS_GRD_SPW_2__20091101T055147_20100630T180254_0001.TGZ GO_CONS_GRD_SPW_2__20091101T055147_20120731T222822_0001.TGZ GO_CONS_GRD_SPW_2__20091101T055226_20131020T033415_0002.TGZ GO_CONS_GRD_SPW_2__20091009T000000_20131021T000000_0201.TGZ. Latest baseline is: GO_CONS_GRD_SPW_2__20091009T000000_20131021T000000_0201.TGZ. As output from the ESA-funded GOCE+ GeoExplore project, GOCE gravity gradients were combined with heterogeneous other satellite gravity information to derive a combined set of gravity gradients complementing (near)-surface data sets spanning all together scales from global down to 5 km. The data is useful for various geophysical applications and demonstrate their utility to complement additional data sources (e.g., magnetic, seismic) to enhance geophysical modelling and exploration. The GOCE+ GeoExplore project is funded by ESA through the Support To Science Element (STSE) and was undertaken as a collaboration of the Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI), Munich, DE, the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Trondheim, Norway, TNO, the Netherlands and the University of West Bohemia, Plzen, CZ. Read more about gravity gradients and how GOCE delivered them in this Nature article: Satellite gravity gradient grids for geophysics. View images of the GOCE original gravity gradients and gradients with topographic reduction grids. Available data GRIDS File Type Gridded data: full Gravity Gradients, at 225 km and 255 km with and without topographic correction GGG_225 Computed from GOCE/GRACE gradients lower orbit phase February 2010 - October 2013 GGG_255 Computed from GOCE/GRACE gradients nominal orbit phase February 2010 - October 2013 TGG_225 Gravity gradient grids from topography at fixed height of 225/255 km above ellipsoid given in LNOF (Local North Oriented Frame) TGG_225 Gravity gradient grids from topography at fixed height of 225/255 km above ellipsoid given in LNOF (Local North Oriented Frame) MAPS File Type Maps of Gravity Gradients with and without topographic corrections Vij_225km_Patch_n.jpg Maps of grids from lower orbit phase with and without topographic correction from ETOPO1 Along-orbit File Type Full Gravity Gradients, along-orbit, in GRF and TRF reference frames. A detailed description is provided in the data set user manual GGC_GRF Combined gradients from GRACE (long wavelengths) & GOCE (measurement band) in the GRF (Gradiometer Reference Frame) GGC_TRF Combined gradients from GRACE (long wavelengths) & GOCE (measurement band) rotated from GRF to TRF (Terrestrial Reference Frame: North, West, Up) Direct solution First Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20100110T235959_0002.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20100110T235959_0002.TGZ Second Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20100630T235959_0002.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20100630T235959_0001.TGZ Third Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20110419T235959_0001.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20110419T235959_0001.TGZ Coefficients (ICGEM format): GO_CONS_EGM_GCF_2__20091101T000000_20110419T235959_0001.IDF Fourth Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20120801T060000_0001.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20120801T060000_0002.TGZ Fifth Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20131020T235959_0002.TG Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20131020T235959_0001.TGZ Coefficients (ICGEM format): GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20131020T235959_0001.IDF Sixth Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091009T000000_20131020T235959_0201.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091009T000000_20131020T235959_0201.TGZ Coefficients (ICGEM format): GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091009T000000_20131020T235959_0201.IDF Release 6 gravity model validation report. Time-Wise solution First Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20100111T000000_0002.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20100111T000000_0002.TGZ Second Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20100705T235500_0002.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20100705T235500_0001.TGZ Third Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20110430T235959_0001.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20110430T235959_0001.TGZ Coefficients (ICGEM format): GO_CONS_EGM_GCF_2__20091101T000000_20110430T235959_0001.IDF Fourth Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20120618T235959_0002.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20120618T235959_0001.TGZ Fifth Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20131021T000000_0002.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20131021T000000_0001.TGZ Coefficients (ICGEM format): GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20131021T000000_0001.IDF Sixth Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091009T000000_20131021T000000_0201.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091009T000000_20131021T000000_0202.TGZ Coefficients (ICGEM format): GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091009T000000_20131021T000000_0201.IDF Combined gravity field GOCE model plus Antarctic and Arctic data (ICGEM format): GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091009T000000_20160119T235959_0201.IDF Download release 6 gravity model validation report.

  • GOCE Level 1

    This collection contains the GOCE L1b data of the gradiometer, the star trackers, the GPS receiver, the magnetometers, magnetotorquers and the DFACS data of each accelerometer of the gradiometer. EGG_NOM_1b: latest baseline _0202 SST_NOM_1b: latest baseline _000x (always take the highest number available) ACC_DFx_1b: latest baseline _0001 (x=1:6) MGM_GOx_1b: latest baseline _0001 (x=1:3) MTR_GOC_1b: latest baseline _0001 SST_RIN_1b: latest baseline _000x (always take the highest number available) STR_VC2_1b: latest baseline _000x (always take the highest number available) STR_VC3_1b: latest baseline _000x (always take the highest number available).

  • GOCE Level 2

    This collection contains GOCE level 2 data: Gravity Gradients in the gradiometer reference frame (EGG_NOM_2), in the terrestrial reference frame (EGG_TRF_2), GPS receiver derived precise science orbits (SST_PSO_2) and the non-tidal time variable gravity field potential with respect to a mean value in terms of a spherical harmonic series determined from atmospheric and oceanic mass variations as well as from a GRACE monthly gravity field time series (SST_AUX_2). EGG_NOM_2_: latest baseline: _0203 EGG_TRF_2_: latest baseline _0101 SST_AUX_2_: latest baseline _0001 SST_PSO_2_: latest baseline _0201.