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  • Data - Data Description

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    Odin SMR data products

    The latest Odin Sub-Millimetre Radiometer (SMR) datasets have been generated by Chalmers University of Technology and Molflow within the Odin-SMR Recalibration and Harmonisation project, funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) to create a fully consistent and homogeneous dataset from the 20 years of satellite operations. The Odin satellite was launched in February 2001 as a joint undertaking between Sweden, Canada, France and Finland, and is part of the ESA Third Party Missions (TPM) programme since 2007. The complete Odin-SMR data archive was reprocessed applying a revised calibration scheme and upgraded algorithms. The Level 1b dataset is entirely reconsolidated, while Level 2 products are regenerated for the main mesospheric and stratospheric frequency modes (i.e., FM 01, 02, 08, 13, 14, 19, 21, 22, 24). The resulting dataset represents the first full-mission reprocessing campaign of the mission, which is still in operation.

  • Data - External Data (Restrained)

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    ADAM Surface Reflectance Database v4.0

    ADAM enables generating typical monthly variations of the global Earth surface reflectance at 0.1° spatial resolution (Plate Carree projection) and over the spectral range 240-4000 nm. The ADAM product is made of gridded monthly mean climatologies over land and ocean surfaces, and of a companion API toolkit that enables the calculation of hyperspectral (at 1 nm resolution over the whole 240-4000 nm spectral range) and multidirectional reflectances (i.e. in any illumination/viewing geometry) depending on user choices. The ADAM climatologies that feed the ADAM calculation tools are: For ocean: Monthly chlorophyll concentration derived from SeaWiFS-OrbView-2 (1999-2009); it is used to compute the water column reflectance (which shows large spectral variations in the visible, but is insignificant in the near and mid infrared). Monthly wind speed derived from SeaWinds-QuikSCAT-(1999-2009); it is used to calculate the ocean glint reflectance. For land: Monthly normalized surface reflectances in the 7 MODIS narrow spectral bands derived from FondsdeSol processing chain of MOD09A1 products (derived from Aqua and Terra observations), on which relies the modelling of the hyperspectral/multidirectional surface (soil/vegetation/snow) reflectance. Uncertainty variance-covariance matrix for the 7 spectral bands associated to the normalized surface reflectance. For sea-ice: Sea ice pixels (masked in the original MOD09A1 products) have been accounted for by a gap-filling approach relying on the spatial-temporal distribution of sea ice coverage provided by the CryoClim climatology for year 2005.