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  • GOSAT-2 TANSO FTS-2 and CAI-2 full archive and new products

    The TANSO-FTS-2 (Thermal And Near infrared Sensor for carbon Observation - Fourier Transform Spectrometer-2) instrument is an high-resolution 5-bands (NIR and TIR) spectrometer which allows the observation of reflective and emissive radiative energy from Earth's surface and the atmosphere for the measurement of atmospheric chemistry and greenhouse gases. The TANSO-CAI-2 (Thermal And Near infrared Sensor for carbon Observation - Cloud and Aerosol Imager-2) instrument is a push-broom radiometer in the spectral ranges of ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS), Near Infrared (NIR) and SWIR (5 bands observe in the forward direction and 5 in backwards direction, with LOS tilted of 20 degrees) for the observation of aerosols and clouds optical properties and for monitoring of air pollution. The GOSAT-2 available products are: FTS-2 Level 1A products contain interferogram data observed by FTS-2, together with geometric information of observation points and various telemetry. In addition, data from an optical camera (CAM) near the observation time are also stored. Two different products for day and night observations. Common data contain common information for SWIR/TIR including CAM data; SWIR data contain information from SWIR band; TIR data contain information from TIR band FTS-2 level 1B products contain spectrum data, which are generated by Fourier transformation and other corrections to raw interferogram data in L1A. The sampled CAM data near the observation time are also stored. Two different products for day and night observations. Common data contain common information for SWIR/TIR including CAM data; SWIR products for SWIR spectrum data before and after sensitivity correction; TIR products for TIR spectrum data after sensitivity correction using blackbody and deep space calibration data and after correction of finite field of view FTS-2 NearRealTime products: FTS-2 data are first processed with predicted orbit file and made immediately available: NRT product does not include monitor camera image, best-estimate pointing-location, and target point classification but is available on the ESA server 5 hours after sensing. After a few days (usually 3 days), data is reprocessed with definitive orbit file and sent as consolidated product FTS-2 Level 2 products: Column-averaged Dry-air Mole Fraction" products store column-averaged dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric gases retrieved by using Band 1-3 spectral radiance data in TANSO-FTS-2 L1B; "Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Proxy Method (FTS-2_02_SWPR)" products store solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence data retrieved from Band 1 spectral radiance data in L1B Product as well as column-averaged dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric gases retrieved from Band 2 and 3 spectral radiance data in L1B Product. Both products are obtained by using the fill-physic maximum a posteriori (MAP) method and under the assumption of of clear-sky condition CAI-2 Level 1A products contain uncorrected image data of TANSO-CAI-2, which is stored as digital number together with telemetry of geometric information at observation point, orbit and attitude data, temperature, etc. One scene is defined as a satellite revolution data starting from ascending node to the next ascending node. Common data contain common information for both Forward looking and Backward looking; FWD products contain information for Forward looking bands, from 1 to 5; BWD products contain information for Backward looking bands, from 6 to 10 CAI-2 Level 1B products contain spectral radiance data per pixel converted from TANSO-CAI-2 L1A Products. Band-to-band registration of each forward- and backward- viewing band is applied; ortho-correction is performed to observation location data based on an earth ellipsoid model using digital elevation model data CAI-2 Level 2 products: Cloud Discrimination Products stores clear-sky confidence levels per pixel, which are calculated by combining the results of threshold tests for multiple features such as reflectance ratio and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), obtained from spectral radiance data in GOSAT-2 TANSO-CAI-2 L1B Product. This product also stores cloud status bit data, in which results of individual threshold tests and quality flags are summarized. The full ESA archive and newly acquired/systematically processed GOSAT2 FTS-2 and CAI-2 products are (ESA collection name versus JAXA product name): FTS-2 L1A Common day (FTS-2_1A_COMMON_DAY) FTS-2 L1A Common night (FTS-2_1A_COMMON_NIGHT) FTS-2 L1A SWIR day (FTS-2_1A_SWIR_DAY) FTS-2 L1A TIR day (FTS-2_1A_TIR_DAY) FTS-2 L1A TIR night (FTS-2_1A_TIR_NIGHT) FTS-2 L1B Common day (FTS-2_1B_COMMON_DAY) FTS-2 L1B Common night (FTS-2_1B_COMMON_NIGHT) FTS-2 L1B SWIR day (FTS-2_1B_SWIR_DAY) FTS-2 L1B TIR day (FTS-2_1B_TIR_DAY) FTS-2 L1B TIR night (FTS-2_1B_TIR_NIGHT) FTS-2 L2 Column-averaged Dry-air Mole Fraction (FTS-2_0) FTS-2 L2 Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Proxy Method (FTS-2_02_SWPR) CAI-2 L1A Common (CAI-2_1A_COMMON) CAI-2 L1A Forward viewing (CAI-2_1A_FWD) CAI-2 L1A Backward viewing (CAI-2_1A_BWD) CAI-2 L1B (CAI-2_1B).

  • PROBA-V 1 km, 333 m, and 100 m products

    The PROBA-V VEGETATION Raw products and Synthesis products provided coverage of all significant landmasses worldwide with, in the case of a 10-day synthesis product, a minimum effect of cloud cover, resulting from selection of cloud-free acquisitions during the 10-day period. It provided a daily coverage between Latitudes 35°N and 75°N, and between 35°S and 56°S, and a full coverage every two days at the equator. The VEGETATION instrument was pre-programmed with an indefinite repeated sequence of acquisitions. This nominal acquisition scenario allowed a continuous series of identical products to be generated, with the goal to map land cover and vegetation growth across the entire planet every two days. Level Synthesis Resolution resolution (m) Reflectance Level-1C n/a TOA Level-2A n/a 100 m TOA 333 m TOA 1 km TOA Level-3 S1 100 m TOA TOC TOC NDVI 333 m TOA TOC 1 km TOA TOC S5 100 m TOA TOC TOC NDVI S10 333 m TOC TOC NDVI 1 km TOC TOC NDVI Raw Products Overview Product Description Level-1C Level-1C segments (P – product): Radiometrically corrected Level-1B data, in raw sensor geometry (unprojected) Contains: - Top Of Atmosphere reflectance in the four spectral bands - Longitude/latitude information for every pixel - Geometric viewing conditions - Information on the status map (indicating missing and interpolated measurements). Format: HDF5 & GeoTiFF Level-2A Level-2A segment: projected Level-1C (P–product) data, radiometrically and geometrically corrected. Contains: - TOA reflectance values in the four spectral bands without atmospheric correction being performed - Information on the status map (containing identification of radiometric quality, snow, ice, shadow, clouds, land/sea for every pixel) - Geometric viewing conditions Plate carrée projection (EPSG:4326) with spatial resolution of 100 m, 333 m and 1 km Format: HDF5 & GeoTiFF Synthesis Products Overview Level-3 S1 = daily, S5 = 5 days, S10 = decade Different spatial resolution: 100 m, 333 m and 1 km Divided into so called granules, each measuring 10 degrees x 10 degrees, each granule being delivered as a single file Plate carrée projection (EPSG:4326) Format: HDF5 & GeoTiFF Products Content TOA - Top Of Atmosphere reflectance in the four spectral bands (no atmospheric correction applied) - Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) -Information on the composite status map (containing identification of snow, ice, shadow, clouds, land/sea for every pixel) - Geometric viewing conditions & date and time of selected measurement TOC Level-2A segment: projected Level-1C (P–product) data, radiometrically and geometrically corrected. Contains: - Top Of Canopy (ground surface) reflectance in the four spectral bands, the atmospheric correction being performed using the SMAC (Simplified Method for Atmospheric Corrections) algorithm - Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) - Information on the composite status map (containing identification of snow, ice, shadow, clouds, land/sea for every pixel) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from Top Of Canopy product (SMAC algorithm for atmospheric corrections applied) - Geometric viewing conditions & date and time of selected measurement TOC NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from Top Of Canopy product (SMAC algorithm for atmospheric corrections applied)