earth online



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  • Dragon 3 Cooperation Programme

    The Dragon 3 Programme focussed on the exploitation of ESA, ESA's Third Party Missions and Chinese Earth observation data for geo-science and applications development in land, ocean and atmospheric applications.

  • SAFE (Standard Archive Format for Europe)

    SAFE is a long-term preservation data format designed to act as a common format for archiving and conveying data within ESA Earth Observation archiving facilities.


    The TOLEOS (Thermosphere Observations from Low-Earth Orbiting Satellites) project will produce thermosphere mass density observations from the accelerometer measurements of the GRACE, GRACE-FO, and CHAMP satellites.

  • EO Science for Society

    ESA's Earth Observation Science for Society programme aims to promote scientific exploitation of satellite data, forges new scientific discoveries and pioneers new services, stimulating downstream industrial and economic growth.

  • DynamicEarth - SPP 1788

    DynamicEarth - SPP 1788 Priority Programme is a project to quantify terrestrial transport mechanisms and solar-terrestrial interactions, and build on data from satellites on low-Earth orbits.