earth online



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  • MUltisource data package tools and SErvices (MUSE)

    The MUSE project aims to develop and integrate a tool to simultaneously manipulate geospatial data products, satellite, model and in-situ data.

  • EO Science for Society

    ESA's Earth Observation Science for Society programme aims to promote scientific exploitation of satellite data, forges new scientific discoveries and pioneers new services, stimulating downstream industrial and economic growth.

  • ESA satellites and instruments calibration landing page

    ESA satellites and instruments calibration landing page.

  • FRM4VEG: Fiducial Reference Measurements for Vegetation

    Fiducial Reference Measurements for Vegetation (FRM4VEG) is an ESA managed project focused on establishing the protocols required for traceable in-situ measurements of vegetation


    The objective of PV-LAC-ATMO Activity is to investigate the added value of a joint surface reflectance.


    The objective of the Proba-V Cloud Detection Round Robin (PV-CDRR) is to learn advantages and drawbacks of the different approaches for various cloud and surface conditions.


    The PV-LAC project objectives are to develop, test, and validate two advanced algorithms for the scientific exploitation of the Proba-V mission products.