earth online


Analysis Tools

Find the tools you need to visualise, analyse and process the European Space Agency's Earth observation data.
  • ESA PDGS Jupyter Notebook

    1 Oct 2020

    A series of Jupyter Notebooks are available, in order to understand how to exploit the API that provides the data access service for different types of datasets included in the ESA PDGS datacube.

  • Sentinel-1 Toolbox

    2 Mar 2020

    The Toolbox consists of: processing tools, data product readers and writers and a display and analysis application to support the archive of SAR data from ESA and 3rd party missions.

  • SNAP

    8 Nov 2019

    SNAP is a common architecture for all Sentinel Toolboxes. It is ideal for Earth observation processing and analysis.

  • PolSARpro

    28 June 2019

    PolSARpro is a toolbox for the scientific exploitation of polarimetric SAR data and a tool for high-level education in radar polarimetry.