earth online

VH-RODA 2023 Abstract Submission Deadline Extended

18 Oct 2023

The VH-RODA (Very High-resolution Radar and Optical Data Assessment) 2023 Workshop will be held at ESA-ESRIN, in Frascati, Italy, from 27 - 30 November 2023.

VH-RODA 2023 Workshop

The workshop will provide an open forum (for the new space, commercial and institutional space sectors) for presenting and discussing the current status and future developments related to Earth Observation (EO) data quality, calibration and validation activities and methodologies of space-borne very high-resolution SAR and Optical constellation sensors and data products.

The abstract submission deadline has been extended. If you would like to present your work at the workshop, submit your abstract by 20 October.

The workshop is part of ESA's continuing commitment to remote sensing technology as an important tool in providing information to address critical science and societal matters.

Learn more about VH-RODA 2023.
