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Swarm L1B and L2 operational processors updated

12 Feb 2020

On 11 February an improved version for both L1B and L2 (FAC, IBI, and TEC) Operational Processors was transferred into operation.

The dataset generated with the latest processor versions will have the following Product Baseline and File Counter: ORBATT 0402; MAGNET 0506; PLASMA 0502; ACCELE 0402; IBI 0302; FAC 0302; TEC 0302.

The main improvements introduced in L1B data processing chain are:

  • The generation of 1Hz ASM data during ASM burst mode sessions
  • The adjustment of VFM scaling evolution in time (only for Swarm Alpha and Charlie since January 2018)
  • Generation of Plasma (Langmuir Probe) data when Magnet data are missing
  • The L1B data improvements have a negligible impact on L2 IBI, FAC and TEC products .

The porting to an updated operational system was performed for both L1B and L2 Operational processors, without any impact on Swarm L1B and L2 data content. For more information please refer to the Technical Note.
