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SPOT 4-5 Take 5 ESA archive online dataset

25 Feb 2020

ESA is pleased to announce the availability of SPOT 4-5 Take5 products to the scientific community.

At the end of their life, both SPOT 4 and SPOT 5 missions were involved in the Take-5 experiment: the satellites were moved in lower orbit to acquire images on the same site every five days with constant angle in order to have the same repetition of Sentinel-2.

The collection is composed by SPOT 4 and 5 orthorectified products, level 1C (reflectance at the top of atmosphere) and level 2A (surface reflectance after atmospheric correction, along with clouds mask and their shadow, and mask of water and snow).

Two different time series are available: over 45 different sites from February to June 2013 from SPOT 4, and 145 selected sites from April to August 2015 from SPOT 5.

Further details are available on the SPOT 4-5 Take5 ESA archive product page.
