earth online

SMOS Winds product configuration updates

10 Nov 2023

Since 5 November 2023, several Level 1 products used as an input to the SMOS winds processor were flagged as 'warning' due to antenna temperature exceeding 29° C for some of the units located in arm-A. As a consequence, these data were ignored by the Level 2 SMOS Wind processor generating some gaps in the data dissemination.

This warning condition does not impact the quality of the wind data. A new configuration of the processor will be deployed today, 10 November 2023, in order to take into account these data in the Level 2 products during 5 - 15 November 2023 (the temperature follows a seasonal evolution and is to be back to normal on day 15).

A reprocessing of the 5 - 10 November period will be done to recover the operational data gaps and the products will be available soon on the SMOS dissemination service.

The product version processed with this temporary configuration will contain "304" instead of "303" (version that ignored the flagged L1 files). From the 16 November 2023, the processor version will return to 303. 
