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New version v206 of the SMOS-CryoSat level 4 sea ice thickness product is now available

27 Nov 2023

The new version 206 of the merged SMOS-CryoSat level 4 sea ice thickness product is now available on the SMOS data dissemination service

The version 206 replaces the previous version 205. The main improvements in this new version are the use of CryoSat-2 ICE Level-1b algorithm baseline-E for the entire dataset and the use of the OSI-SAF / C3S sea ice type (interim) climate data record. The version of the SMOS level 3 sea ice thickness product used in the merged product is still v3.3 as in the previous v205 baseline.

14 years of SMOS sea ice thickness (experimental product)
14 years of SMOS-CryoSat sea ice thickness. Each figure shows the weekly sea ice thickness in the Arctic on week starting on 2 November from 2010 (top left panel) to 2023 (bottom right panel). Credits: ESA/AWI.

For more information please refer to the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) the Product Description Document (PDD) and the Read-Me-First note available on the SMOS - CryoSat L4 Sea Ice Thickness product page.
