earth online

New release of Swarm Langmuir Probe Ion Drift, Density and Effective Mass dataset

27 Jun 2023

An updated baseline of the Swarm Langmuir Probe Ion Drift, Density and Effective Mass (SLIDEM baseline 0201) dataset at 2 Hz cadence is available for the three Swarm spacecraft on the Swarm dissemination server at the following path:

  • /Advanced/Plasma_Data/2_Hz_Ion_Drift_Density_and_Effective_Mass_dataset/

This baseline expands mission coverage from 2 October 2014 through 31 May 2023, and it includes revised estimates for high-latitude effective ion mass and ion density taking into account the along-track drift. It also corrects a processing bug that resulted in the “IDM product estimate is small” flag always being raised in the ion density flag.

For more information on the contents of this data product, please refer to the SLIDEM activity page, where a detailed algorithm document and validation report are available, and to the SLIDEM Product Definition Document, also available on the Swarm dissemination server.
