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New Landsat-8 Collection-2 Level 1 and Level 2 data available from January

17 Dec 2021

From the beginning of 2022, ESA will start the distribution of the European coverage of Landsat-8 Collection-2 Level 1 and Level 2 products.

The collection includes both new and past data from the mission.

Read more about this new data reprocessing activity on the USGS website.

The collection will be available on the Landsat Dissemination Service, which is also used to offer data from other Landsat missions.

The application is being configured to add the new Landsat-8 data, and the first release will take place in January. The full collection will gradually be uploaded to the dissemination service, so there may be a short period when some Landsat-8 data is not yet available to download.

The old Landsat-8 portal, which currently hosts data for the mission, will be retained until the Landsat Dissemination Service is fully populated with the archive of data for Landsat-8. Once this is complete, the Landsat Dissemination Service will also contain the archived Landsat-8 Collection-1 Level 1 data.
