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New CryoSat Ice Baseline-E Reprocessed Data – Available now!

16 Jun 2023

We are pleased to inform the CryoSat scientific community that the Ice Baseline-E Reprocessing campaign is now complete!

All CryoSat Ice Baseline-E products for the full period July 2010 - August 2021 have now been reprocessed with the latest Baseline-E software version to bring them in line with the operational products and are available on the Science Server for users to download. The latest datasets that have been published are January to December 2020, January to August 2021, and July to December 2010.

Ice Baseline-E was brought into operation in September 2021, providing significant improvements to the CryoSat ice products, including improved sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) interpolation, provision of an improved snow depth correction, improvements to land-ice retracking, and the addition of pseudo-LRM estimates to the L1B products. More details about the changes implemented in the Baseline-E upgrade can be found in the Baseline E Evolution document. In addition, a previous inconsistency with the cycle numbers and relative orbit numbers has been resolved and these are now correctly provided in the product headers.
