earth online

Minor Update for the SMOS Near Real Time Sea Surface Wind Speed Processor

23 Nov 2022

Hurricane Fiona as sensed by SMOS on 21 September 2022.
Hurricane Fiona as sensed by SMOS on 21 September 2022. (credit IFREMER/ESA)

An updated version of the SMOS Near Real Time Sea Surface Wind Speed Processor - Version 302 - was deployed at the IFREMER and ESA operational ground segment on 23 November 2022. For this Processor, several errors that were not identified previously from the Input L1B dataset have been taken into account in order to remove degraded snapshots. Furthermore, any scene where antenna boresight incidence angle is outside the range of 34 to 41 degrees is not used for wind retrieval.

The validation results have not been impacted by the minor algorithm update.

Periods with degraded L1B Input have been identified and the associated wind dataset will be regenerated with the Version 302 Processor over the next few weeks.


SMOS Near Real Time Sea Surface Wind Speed products are available from the SMOS dissemination service.

For more information about data format and data quality please consult the ReadMe First Note.

The data product documentation: Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) and Product Description Document (PDD) are available on the SMOS data web page.
