earth online

How to access campaign data distributed by ESA

16 Apr 2024

Access to datasets from ESA’s Campaigns are openly available following submission of a Data Access Request.

ESA conducts airborne, ship-borne, balloon-borne, and ground-based campaigns and small satellite field experiments, which validate operational ESA EO satellites and support development of future missions. Datasets produced during these campaigns, which cover a range of scientific applications and locations, are made available for use by the scientific community.

This guide sets out in detail how to complete the process for accessing ESA Campaign data.

The process requires submission of a simple form, which immediately grants access to the data upon submission.


1. Browse and Select data

Users can browse the Campaign pages to learn more about the activities and available datasets.

Once you have selected a Campaign that interests you and satisfies your research needs, you can use the ‘Data Access Request’ link in the ‘Data’ section of the Campaign page to begin the process of requesting the data.



2. Log in or Register to EO Sign in


To proceed to the relevant Data Access form, users with an active ESA EO Sign In account should then use their credentials to log in. Users who do not have an account can create one by clicking ‘Create Account’.



3. Prepare and Submit Data Access Form

The Data Access form retrieves the details of your account, so no inputs are required before submission to ESA.




4. Download Data

After submitting the form, you will receive two emails providing details of how to download the dataset.


