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Aeolus fourth Reprocessing Campaign Data published

22 May 2024

The Aeolus mission has released its latest data update, Baseline 16, encompassing operations from 28 June 2019, to 4 October 2022. This update, published today, significantly enhances the quality of L1B, L2A, and L2B products compared to previous releases. The data is now available for browsing and download

Key improvements include corrections to the L2B Rayleigh channel wind bias caused by laser pressure fluctuations, adjustments to geolocation data, and enhanced quality control for Mie cloudy winds. For L1B products, updates to signal-to-noise calculations and correction methods have improved the accuracy of wind product errors by approximately 1 - 2%.

In the L2A processor, enhancements involve the implementation of Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) at a detailed observation level, refining the number of iterations and quality flags. Additionally, radiometric corrections for KRay and KMie coefficients have been applied, and profiles such as Aeolus feature mask (AEL-FM) and Aeolus Profile (AEL-PRO) are now validated and accessible. 

A Summary Reprocessing document of the quality of the newly reprocessed dataset is available and a full verification report of the fourth reprocessing campaign will be available in the coming months. 
