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Additional EFI TII Raw And Corrected Imagery and Spectra (TRACIS) dataset 0102 available for Swarm

22 Mar 2023

Additional EFI TII Raw And Corrected Imagery and Spectra (TRACIS) data is now available on the Swarm dissemination server for all the Swarm satellites.

The low resolution (TISL1B) and high resolution (TISH1B) version 0102 datasets now cover the period from 4 December 2013 through to 15 March 2023.

The data is available on the Swarm dissemination server at the following paths:

  • /Advanced/Plasma_Data/TRACIS/TISL1B
  • /Advanced/Plasma_Data/TRACIS/TISH1B

For more information on the contents of this data product, please refer to the TRACIS Product Definition Document, also available on the Swarm dissemination server.
