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Explaining the Terms and Conditions for ESA Third Party Missions data

14 Jun 2024

ESA's Third Party Missions (TPM) programme enables users, known as Principal Investigators (PIs), to access data delivered by more than 50 missions for use in research and development activities.

The Terms and Conditions (T&C) for TPM data describe the conditions PIs must accept to access and utilise products and how they may use the products in any results derived from the data.

See a summary of the Terms and Conditions in this infographic:

Swarm VirES in this infographic
Download the infographic

Eligible PIs include any research and development (R&D) entity worldwide (e.g. university, research institution) and R&D and innovation teams of commercial European companies exclusively for non-commercial and non-operational activities, Incubators, Business Incubation Centres (BIC) and for civil Earth Observation research applications only.

The general conditions for provision and use of Third Party Missions data are outlined in the document, but there is also an annex for specific conditions of use outlined by the data providers. The mission-specific conditions also detail subjects such as copyright to cite, and eligibility for access.

Read the Terms and Conditions

