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  • What is the format for ERS and Envisat (A)SAR data available via OTF?

What is the format for ERS and Envisat (A)SAR data available via OTF?

The ERS SAR and Envisat ASAR data in the On-The-Fly (OTF) collections are only available in ‘Envisat’ format, so as to provide a coherent (A)SAR dataset spanning a time range of more than two decades i.e. 1991 – 2012.

Products can no longer be provided in former data formats (e.g. CEOS for ERS), since the previous processing chains have been dismissed.

Further details can be found in the ERS and Envisat SAR / ASAR data ‘Product Format Specification’ documents:

ERS SAR products in Envisat format

Envisat ASAR products

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