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  • How do I configure FTPS scripts to download data from ESA dissemination services?

How do I configure FTPS scripts to download data from ESA dissemination services?

As part of security improvements, access to several data repositories on the ESA Dissemination Services, such as the Envisat MERIS and SMOS services, have changed from simple FTP to FTPS.

If you download data from the dissemination services using an FTP client, such as FileZilla, use the following settings to access via FTPS:

  • Host: Enter the URL of the system (e.g. ftps:// for the MERIS service)
  • Encryption: Select “Require implicit FTP over TLS”
  • Logon Type: Select “Normal”
  • User and Password: Enter your EO-Sign In account credentials


An example of FTPS settings in FTP client
Example of FTPS settings in FTP client


If you use a script to download data and have experienced issues following the transition to FTPS, we recommend using programs such as LFTP or WGET. 

Follow these examples of commands to download data using these programs: 



Download a single file:

lftp -u 'user' -e "set ftp:ssl-force true; set ssl:verify-certificate no;set ftp:ssl-protect-data true; get /readme.txt; bye" ftps://
Download a directory: 
lftp -u 'user' -e "set ftp:ssl-force true; set ssl:verify-certificate no;set ftp:ssl-protect-data true; mirror /MERIS/MER_FRS_1P/2/2002/0010; bye" ftps://



Download a single file:

wget --ftps-implicit --no-check-certificate --ftp-user='XXXXXXXXX' --ftp-password='XXXXXXXXXX' ftps://

Download a directory: 
wget --ftps-implicit --no-check-certificate --ftp-user= XXXXXXXXX ' --ftp-password= 'XXXXXXXXXX' -r -np -nH --cut-dirs=4 ftps://

Should you need any further support please contact us through ESA’s User Services Portal

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