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  • How can I create an EO Sign In account? (for non-ESA EO data Users)

How can I create an EO Sign In account? (for non-ESA EO data Users)

EO data users wanting to access ESA missions and ESA Third Party Missions data need to create an EO Sign In account.

All service providers integrated with the EO Sign In system display a Login button to start from.


After pressing 'Login', you will be shown the 'Create New Account' web form; fill in all mandatory fields (marked with a red asterisk) with sensible values, including the captcha checkbox and the three checkbox to accept the Privacy Policy and the Terms & Conditions.



Note that the password should be from 06 to 12 characters long and should contain: a digit, a lower case letter, an upper case letter and one of these !@#$%&* special characters.

Then, click on “Register” to create your new account.

If there are no errors in the web forms, you should receive the following message:


Proceed by checking your email inbox as above suggested and click on the confirmation link within the email message to finalize the account generation.

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