earth online

World Soils 2019 User Consultation Meeting

02-Jul - 03-Jul 2019

Frascati, Italy

World Soils meeting

The World Soils 2019 User Consultation Meeting on space-based EO tools for mapping and monitoring soils took place on 2 and 3 July 2019 in Frascati, Italy.

With the advent of operational EO (Earth Observation) systems such as the European Union Copernicus Program (including the high priority Copernicus expansion missions), the free and open EO data policies as well as cloud-based access and processing capabilities (e.g. DIAS) an EO based Soil Monitoring System appears feasible today.

The aim of this meeting was to bring together stakeholders from the policy and user domain with remote sensing experts to discuss the necessary steps to develop such a system.

Visit the meeting website to learn more about the event.
