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PROBA-V QWG meeting 14

18-Nov - 19-Nov 2021


The main topics of the meeting were recalled with summary of current status and open points for discussion:


  • Mission Status: since July 1st, 2020, PROBA-V operated as an experimental mission due to the declining overpass time only acquiring the European and African continent. On 31st October 2021, this experimental phase was stopped, and the vegetation instrument was switched to standby mode, whereas the other on-board sensors (in particular the EPT sensor) are continuing acquisitions. The Proba-V Moon calibrations are continuing in support of the development and validation of ESA Lunar Irradiance Model (LIME). During the meeting the radiometric and geometric calibrations to be planned for this new phase will be discussed.
  • Collection 2: the first validation phase is successfully completed with global processing of 5 dates. The phase 2 is ongoing and consists of processing of the period July 2018-June 2019 after which a full validation against MODIS data will follow. The processing schedule is changed from that estimated and presented at the last QWG due to a higher processing time required by the new cloud mask and atmospheric correction modules. During the meeting, the latest C2 schedule will be presented and discussed as well as all possibilities to speed-up the reprocessing phase and to give an early access to the applications waiting this dataset. Lastly the PV-QWG will work towards a future C3 baseline in the frame of SPOT-PV >20 years reprocessing project (FDR like).
  • Continuity: some issues detected in the validation activity performed by VITO have been successfully fixed with the recent updates of SIN L2 IPF whereas others remain to be considered and discussed during the meeting. The CGLS S3 biophysical products processing chain has switched to S3 and the analysis on S3/Proba-V consistency based on the early access to C2 data will be discussed during the meeting.
  • Proba-V Companion Cubesat: the PV-CC development is ongoing at ASL and some critical issues in this phase caused several delays with the resulting timeline shift: the QAR is currently planned in July 2022 with a scheduled launch with VEGA in Q4 2022. The PDGS processing chain verification is on-going thanks to a good collaboration between VITO and ASL. All progresses are being followed up in regular coordination meetings between ESA, ASL and VITO. Due to the new timeline, there are no more chances of exploiting a synergy with Proba-V, during the meeting a new strategy for the mission will be discussed with focus on the synergy with S2 and S3.

