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4th ESA EARSEL CNR School - Remote Sensing for Forest Fires

30-Sep - 01-Oct 2019

Frascati, Italy

Shortly before the 12th EARSel Forest Fires SIG Workshop - which took place from 3 to 5 October 2019 - a training course was held on the application of active and passive remote sensing techniques for fire research.

The course 'Remote Sensing for Forest Fires' took place from 30 September to 1 October in Frascati, Italy. The purpose of this course was to disseminate and discuss research methods and technologies of active and passive Earth Observation for applications related to forest fires.

The experts leading the course focussed on the use of optical and radar sensors for active fire mapping, burned area mapping, soil organic matter, soil moisture, fire emissions and time series analysis.

The practical sessions utilised Virtual Machines from RUS Copernicus, and used a variety of data (from Copernicus Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3, and Sentinel-5P) and software (e.g. SNAP, EOBrowser).

Visit the training course website to learn more about the event.
