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13th Swarm Data Quality Workshop

10-Oct - 12-Oct 2023

Frascati, Italy

Swarm data quality workshop
Participants of the 13th Swarm Data Quality Workshop

The 13th Swarm Data Quality Workshop (SDQW#13) was held in ESA-ESRIN Frascati, Italy, from 10 to 12 October 2023. The purpose of the Swarm Data Quality Workshops is to bring together Swarm multi-disciplinary scientists and instrument experts to collect innovative ideas for future Swarm-based activities and products, targeting new processing algorithms, correction improvements, emerging applications and multi-mission synergy.

The key objectives of the workshop were to compile recommendations in view of reshaping the content of the Swarm data product portfolio, identifying new data products and services based on Swarm enhanced synergy with other satellite missions and ground-based observations. This year’s SDQW focused mainly on Swarm Data Cal/Val (Calibration and Validation) topics, while most of the other Swarm-based science and applications aspects will be more extensively discussed during the upcoming Swarm 10th Anniversary and Science Meeting, that will be held from 8 to 12 April 2024 at DTU Space.

As in the past years, the workshop was open to virtual attendance as well. With more than 120 attendees (of which 85 attended in person and the rest remotely), 65 contributions in 7 thematic sessions, and dedicated time slots for discussion, the workshop gave the user community a unique opportunity to interact with the ESA Swarm teams on future scientific challenges, mission planning, and data product refinements.

The 13th SDQW Summary and Recommendation Report scope is mainly based on contributions from Swarm DQW#13 session chairs. It summarises the main points discussed during the workshop and compiles key user recommendations and feedback, which should be translated into future Swarm-based products and scientific activities.
