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12th Swarm Data Quality Workshop

10-Oct - 14-Oct 2022

Uppsala, Sweden

Swarm data quality workshop
Participants of the 12th Swarm Data Quality Workshop

The 12th Swarm Data Quality Workshop (SDQW#12) was hosted by the Swedish Institute of Space Physics in Uppsala, Sweden from 10 to 14 October 2022. The purpose of the Swarm Data Quality Workshops is to bring together Swarm multi-disciplinary scientists and instruments' experts to collect innovative ideas for future Swarm-based activities and products, targeting new processing algorithms, correction improvements, emerging applications and multi-mission synergy.

The key objectives of the workshop were to compile recommendations for reshaping the Swarm data product portfolio and related services. The technical sessions covered the status of the Swarm data quality and algorithm improvements for the magnetometer, plasma, electric field, GPS receiver, and accelerometer data products. The workshop also offered the opportunity to further discuss key technical challenges and science topics related to internal/external field variations, including also a strong focus in the areas of Near-Earth Space Sciences and Space Weather. The workshop was instrumental in demonstrating the growing importance of the Swarm-based virtual research environment used in support of innovating data processing approaches as well as in collecting inputs for the optimisation of the orbital constellation.

Due to the ongoing situation with Covid-19, the workshop was open to virtual attendance as well. With more than 150 attendees (of which 100 attended in person and the rest remotely), 120 contributions in 10 thematic sessions, and dedicated time slots for discussion, the workshop gave the user community a unique opportunity to interact with the ESA Swarm teams on future scientific challenges, mission planning, and data product refinements.

The 12th SDQW Summary and Recommendation Report scope is mainly based on contributions from Swarm DQW#12 session chairs. It summarises the main points discussed during the workshop and compiles key user recommendations and feedback, which should be translated into future Swarm-based products and scientific activities.
