earth online

10th Swarm Data Quality Workshop

05-Oct - 09-Oct 2020

Virtual event

In response to the uncertainty due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation and to ensure the safety of all the participants, we have decided to avoid physical attendance of the 10th Swarm Data Quality Workshop (DQW#10) and to run a full online event during the week of 5-9 October 2020.

This Swarm DQW#10 will be focused on Swarm L1/L2 data quality and technical aspects.

More information will be available soon, in the mean time, please check Swarm news on Twitter: esa_swarm.

The scope of the 10th SDQW Summary and Recommendation Report is mainly based on contributions from Swarm DQW#12 session chairs, it summarises the main points discussed during the workshop and is compiled of key user recommendations and feedback, which should be translated into future Swarm-based products and scientific activities. 
