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What was the purpose of FIRMOS

Summit observatory with solar FTIR dome (left) and E-AERI (right) at the Mt. Zugspitze, Germany
Summit observatory with solar FTIR dome (left) and E-AERI (right) at the Mt. Zugspitze, Germany

In preparation of the Earth Explorer 9 FORUM mission, a new facility named FIRMOS (Far-Infrared Radiation Mobile Observation System) was been developed for field applications from both ground-based and airborne platforms to check with real measurements the sounding capability provided by FIR observations.

What was the outcome of FIRMOS

The unique spectral measurements provided by the combination of FIRMOS and E-AERI covering the relevant spectral region of the thermal emission of the atmosphere from 100 to 1800 cm-1, together with the other supporting lidars, radiosoundings, atmospheric state, and surface properties measurements, provide a complete dataset that can be used to constrain radiative properties of water vapour, cirrus ice particles, and snow/ice emissivity over almost all the infrared emission, including the under-explored FIR spectral range.

Download the FIRMOS Final Report

Campaign Summary
Data Coverage (Years)2018 / 2019
Release DateNovember 2020
Geographic SiteZugspitze, Germany
Field of ApplicationSounding capabilities provided by Far Infrared observations.
Dataset Size1.43 GB
LIDAR DataAvailable

Data Citation Users, who, in their research, use ESA Earth Observation data that have been assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), are asked to use it when citing the data source in their publications:

Digital Object Identifier: European Space Agency, FIRMOS - Technical Assistance for a Far-Infrared Radiation Mobile Observation System (EE9 Forum),


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