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Closed ESA announcement of opportunities

04 May 2020

For many years, the European Space Agency has offered opportunities to obtain special or limited datasets from ESA or Third Party Missions. These announcements of opportunity (AO) invite the community to obtain such data and contribute to research and application development projects ESA are conducting.

This list details closed announcements of opportunity:

  • AO for the access to ALOS data to be distributed by the ALOS Data European Node
  • AO for the use of Envisat and ERS data by the Greek Scientific Community
  • AO for the use of Envisat and ERS data by Portuguese Scientific Community
  • AO for the use of Envisat and ERS data by Turkish Scientific Community
  • AO for the use of Envisat and ERS data by WMO members
  • Bear AO
  • Category 1 data in the frame of the OMI Calibration and Validation Call for Proposals
  • AO for the exploitation of the CryoSat-2 mission products
  • CryoSat-2 Calibration/Validation AO
  • AO for the use of CryoSat data
  • AO for the Calibration, Validation and Retrievals for the CryoSat mission
  • Dragon AO
  • Dragon 2 AO
  • AO for the use of an L-Band radiometer from ESA SMOS project
  • AO for the Exploitation of Envisat data products
  • EPS/MetOp Research AO for the Scientific Exploitation of EPS Data & Products
  • AO and pilot project programmes for the exploitation of ERS data
  • AO for the exploitation of GOCE data
  • AO for Level 1B Cal/Val for the GOCE mission
  • AO for ICEYE data
  • AO for the International Polar Year 2007-2008
  • AO for the utilisation of ESA EO data by the Irish and Luxemburg Scientific Community
  • AO for Planet – PlanetScope and SkySat
  • Research AO for Meteosat Second Generation (MSG-RAO)
  • AO for the Exploitation of SMOS data
  • AO for the Calibration, Validation and Retrievals for the SMOS mission
  • CSA-ESA Sciences and Operational Application Research for Europe (SOAR EU) using data from RADARSAT-2
  • Second call CSA-ESA Sciences and Operational Application Research for Europe (SOAR EU) using data from RADARSAT-2
  • Call for site proposals for the SPOT 5 Take 5 experiment
  • Swarm Science Opportunity
  • TIGER Initiative second AO - Assessment of Water Resources in Africa under Global Climate Variability: Turning Science into Operations
  • AO the TIGER Initiative: Call for Proposals

Download the closed ESA AO zip file to find out more about what these opportunities involved, for historical reference.

See currently open announcements of opportunity
