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Pléiades Neo captures ESA Team Day event

27 Jun 2022

Last week ESA organised a Team Day on all of its sites. In the Netherlands, at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), about 2000 staff created a human formation of the ESA logo and had the idea to task a very high resolution optical satellite constellation to capture the moment.

Thanks to the collaboration between ESA’s Third Party Mission Programme and Airbus, Pléiades Neo managed to task an acquisition at that time, with excellent results.


ESA – made of people
ESA – made of people


For over a decade, ESA has facilitated access to Pléiades VHR data free-of-charge, through the Earthnet Programme data offering. Earthnet is a single programme offering commercial and institutional mission data (non-ESA) to the science community.

Pléiades Neo is a European constellation consisting of two Earth observation satellites providing 30 cm optical imagery, which has been recently added to this programme.

The new Pléiades Neo satellite data are available through Airbus’ OneAtlas proprietary data access platform.

Pléiades Neo is operated by Airbus Defence and Space and provides VHR commercial satellite imagery for scientific, research and pre-operational Earth Observation based applications.

Find out more about the Pléiades Neo data products ESA offer:
