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Other Missions


Satellite Missions That Enhance the Scientific Value of Swarm

Swarm DISC will play an active role in supporting other satellite missions that enhance the scientific return of the Swarm project. This includes satellites that are funded through ESA's Third party Missions (TPM) Programme like e-POP, but is not restricted to TPM-supported missions.

Two missions are presently particularly interesting in this context: The TPM-supported Canadian e-POP payload on the CASSIOPE satellite, now also called "Swarm Echo", and the Chinese CSES satellite. But other satellite missions, like MMS, ICON, GOLD, and others could also be interesting.

Swarm DISC also plans to play an active role in the collaboration with the scientific team working on the Chinese CSES satellite (China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite), in particular regarding calibration of the magnetometer data and scientific exploitation of the data in combination with Swarm.

More general, the activity includes the support of the scientific teams of these other satellites (e.g. by exchange of data, computer code and models, and scientific expertise), active participation of Swarm DISC partners in workshop and meetings related to these satellite missions, and (contributing to the) organisation of dedicated workshops on the joint analysis of observations taken by Swarm and other satellites.
