earth online

New Swarm plasma density and plasma irregularity dataset released

25 Feb 2019

A new Swarm Level 2 data product was released on 20 February 2019. It contains several time series that characterise the plasma density and plasma irregularity along the Swarm orbits, separately calculated for each of the three satellites.

The time series reflect the local plasma conditions, including the background plasma density and total electron content, and indicate the geomagnetic region in the ionosphere (equator, mid-latitude, auroral oval or polar cap) and the severity of the plasma irregularity.

The new data is contained in the IPDxIRR_2F files, located in folder: /Level2daily/Latest_baselines/IPD/IRR/ on the Swarm dissemination server. At present, the files are available for each of the three Swarm satellites for the period from 16 July 2014 to 11 April 2017.

Please refer to the Level 2 data handbook for more information on the contents of the new data product.
