PRODUCT="SCI_LIC_AXND-P20051001_194500_20000101_000000_20991231_235959 " PROC_STAGE=V REF_DOC="PO-TN-ESR-GS-0197 " ACQUISITION_STATION=" " PROC_CENTER="DPAC " PROC_TIME="01-OCT-2005 19:45:00.000000" SOFTWARE_VER="SCIA/1.1 " SENSING_START="01-JAN-2000 00:00:00.000000" SENSING_STOP="31-DEC-2099 23:59:59.999999" PHASE=X CYCLE=+000 REL_ORBIT=+00000 ABS_ORBIT=+00000 STATE_VECTOR_TIME=" " DELTA_UT1=+.000000 X_POSITION=+0000000.000 Y_POSITION=+0000000.000 Z_POSITION=+0000000.000 X_VELOCITY=+0000.000000 Y_VELOCITY=+0000.000000 Z_VELOCITY=+0000.000000 VECTOR_SOURCE=" " UTC_SBT_TIME=" " SAT_BINARY_TIME=+0000000000 CLOCK_STEP=+0000000000 LEAP_UTC=" " LEAP_SIGN=+000 LEAP_ERR=0 PRODUCT_ERR=0 TOT_SIZE=+00000000000000007713 SPH_SIZE=+0000000378 NUM_DSD=+0000000001 DSD_SIZE=+0000000280 NUM_DATA_SETS=+0000000001 SPH_DESCRIPTOR="INITIALISATION_FILE " DS_NAME="Static Parameters " DS_TYPE=G FILENAME=" " DS_OFFSET=+00000000000000001625 DS_SIZE=+00000000000000015000 NUM_DSR=+0000000001 DSR_SIZE=+0000013243 # Version from 04-JAN-2006 modified by # do_*_calculation flags added for tailoring SciCal ------------------------------------------------------------------------ general constants SCI_CAL - init_version - version of this file 1.1 SCI_CAL - polling_interval - waiting time in seconds between checking L0_ingestion and IECF_TO_SCICAL directory 10 # SCICAL_TO_EXPERT for testing or IECF_TO_SCICAL for routinely operations SCI_CAL - adf_output_destination - directory where to copy newly calculated ADFs to be picked up by IECF SCICAL_TO_EXPERT # region might be narrowed down during commissioning phase - review SCI_CAL - saa_region - corner longitudes and latitudes of south atlantic anomaly region : left/top, left/bottom, right/top, right/bottom [degrees] -120.0 10.0 -120.0 -60.0 50.0 10.0 50.0 -60.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ constants for bad-/dead-pixel mask detection # t (true) if the algorithm shall be done and the PE1 file with new DBPM shall be generated or f if not BAD_PIXEL_MASK - do_bad_pixel_calculation - flag indicating if algorithm shall be processed f # channels 1, 2, .., 6a, 6b, 7, 8 BAD_PIXEL_MASK - n_channels - number of channels with specific limits for bad-pixel detection 9 # channel configuration for bad-pixel-mask detetection BAD_PIXEL_MASK - limit_index_to_ch - assignment of limit to SCIA-channel (in combination to limit_ch_start and limit_ch_end) 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 BAD_PIXEL_MASK - limit_ch_start - assignment of limit start-pixel in SCIA-channel (in combination to limit_ch_start and limit_ch_end) 0 0 0 0 0 0 795 0 0 BAD_PIXEL_MASK - limit_ch_end - assignment of limit end-pixel in SCIA-channel (in combination to limit_ch_start and limit_ch_end) 1023 1023 1023 1023 1023 794 1023 1023 1023 # threshold values bad-pixel-mask detetection BAD_PIXEL_MASK - noise_limit - limit of dark signal mean noise 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 50. 100. 100. 100. #lc_err_limit is the maximum relative error allowed BAD_PIXEL_MASK - lc_err_limit - limit of leakage current error 250. 250. 50. 50. 16. 25. 0.35 0.35 0.35 #lc_limit: saturation time allowed for channels [s] BAD_PIXEL_MASK - lc_limit - limit of leakage current 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 2. 3. 4. #fpn_lower/upper is an absolute value BAD_PIXEL_MASK - fpn_lower_limit - lower limit of fixed-pattern-noise 1920 2780 3520 2340 2520 2000 1000 1000 1000 BAD_PIXEL_MASK - fpn_upper_limit - upper limit of fixed-pattern-noise 2020 2890 3600 2480 2640 7000 6000 6000 6000 #fpn_err_limit is the relative error maximum allowed BAD_PIXEL_MASK - fpn_err_limit - upper limit of error of fixed-pattern-noise 5.0 5.0 8.75 8.75 4.25 80. 16. 16. 1.2 BAD_PIXEL_MASK - residual_limit - limit of dark-signal-corrected dark signal 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 75. 600. 600. 600. #BAD_PIXEL_MASK - residual_lower_limit - lower limit of dark-signal-corrected dark signal #25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 10. 10. #BAD_PIXEL_MASK - residual_upper_limit - upper limit of dark-signal-corrected dark signal #-25. -25. -25. -25. -25. -25. -25. -10. -10. #absolute lower limits [BU] new from wls BAD_PIXEL_MASK - wls_limit - lower limit of white-light-signal 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 100. 100. 100. #absolute lower limits (we use 'E' SPECTRUM) new from sunhistogram BAD_PIXEL_MASK - sun_limit - lower limit of sun-diffuser-signal 130. 500. 600. 6000. 1500. 400. 2300. 2300. 2300. BAD_PIXEL_MASK - ppg_lower_limit - lower limit of pixel-to-pixel-gain-signal 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 BAD_PIXEL_MASK - ppg_upper_limit - upper limit of pixel-to-pixel-gain-signal 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 # the amount of time before the calibration measurement(s) in UTC processing format # (if negative do not modify the ones from SCI_PE1_AX input) BAD_PIXEL_MASK - start_validity_offset_bad_pixel_mask - start validity time as offset to subtract from measurement time 0.0 # the amount of time after the calibration measurement(s) in UTC processing format # (if negative do not modify the ones from SCI_PE1_AX input) BAD_PIXEL_MASK - stop_validity_offset_bad_pixel_mask - stop validity time as offset to add from measurement time 14.0 # number of days (float 0.5 mean half day) to average (0 means building orbital mask) BAD_PIXEL_MASK - bad_mask_period - period over which to average the bad pixel mask 7.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ constants for leakage ADF generation # t (true) if the algorithm shall be done and the LK1 file shall be generated or f if not LEAKAGE - do_leakage_calculation - flag indicating if algorithm shall be processed t # the amount of time before the calibration measurement(s) in UTC processing format LEAKAGE - start_validity_offset_leakage - start validity time as offset to subtract from measurement time 0.0 # the amount of time after the calibration measurement(s) in UTC processing format (if negative take 1.1.2099) LEAKAGE - stop_validity_offset_leakage - stop validity time as offset to add from measurement time 60.0 # use this interval in orbit-phase for averaging constant leakage values in LKII LEAKAGE - eclipse_phase_range - interval of orbit_phases belonging to eclipse 0.0 0.3 # number of days (float 0.5 mean half day) to average (0 means building orbital leakage ADFs) LEAKAGE - leakage_period - period over which to average the leakage data 0.5 # minimum number of input L0 or L1b files from which a monthly leakage ADF shall be built LEAKAGE - min_LK1_input_files - minimum number of input files for LKI generation 1 # minimum number of input averaged dark records in the given product from which a monthly leakage ADF shall be built LEAKAGE - min_LK1_dark_records - minimum number averaged dark records required for LKI generation 40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ constants for PPG-/etalon ADF generation # t (true) if the algorithm shall be done and the PE1 file shall be generated or f if not PPG_ETALON - do_ppg_etalon_calculation - flag indicating if algorithm shall be processed f # the amount of time before the calibration measurement(s) in UTC processing format PPG_ETALON - start_validity_offset_ppg - start validity time as offset to subtract from measurement time 0.0 # the amount of time after the calibration measurement(s) in UTC processing format (if negative take 1.1.2099) PPG_ETALON - stop_validity_offset_ppg - stop validity time as offset to add from measurement time -1.0 # number of days (float 0.5 mean half day) to average (0 means building orbital PPG-/etalon ADFs) PPG_ETALON - ppg_period - period over which to average the PPG-/etalon data 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ constants for spectral ADF generation # t (true) if the algorithm shall be done and the SP1 file shall be generated or f if not SPECTRAL - do_spectral_calculation - flag indicating if algorithm shall be processed f # the amount of time before the calibration measurement(s) in UTC processing format SPECTRAL - start_validity_offset_spectral - start validity time as offset to subtract from measurement time 0.0 # the amount of time after the calibration measurement(s) in UTC processing format (if negative take 1.1.2099) SPECTRAL - stop_validity_offset_spectral - stop validity time as offset to add from measurement time 90.0 # 0: only sls, 1: only sun, 2: average sls and sun SPECTRAL - par_apt - which input source to take, SLS, SUN or both 0 # number of days (float 0.5 mean half day) to average (0 means building orbital spectral ADFs) SPECTRAL - spectral_period - period over which to average the spectral data 0.4 # minimum number of input L0 or L1b files from which a spectral ADF shall be built SPECTRAL - min_spectral_input_files - minimum number of input files for spectral ADF generation 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ constants for sun ADF generation # t (true) if the algorithm shall be done and the SU1 file shall be generated or f if not SUN - do_sun_calculation - flag indicating if algorithm shall be processed t # the amount of time before the calibration measurement(s) in UTC processing format SUN - start_validity_offset_sun - start validity time as offset to subtract from measurement time 0.0 # the amount of time after the calibration measurement(s) in UTC processing format (if negative take 1.1.2099) SUN - stop_validity_offset_sun - stop validity time as offset to add from measurement time 15.0 # number of days (float 0.5 mean half day) to collect (0 means building orbital sun ADFs) SUN - sun_period - period over which sun data shall be collected for ADF generation 0.4 # minimum number of input L0 or L1b files from which a sun ADF shall be built SUN - min_sun_input_files - minimum number of input files for sun ADF generation 1