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1st Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing 2007

02-Sep - 07-Sep 2007

Lisbon, Portugal

The first in a series of ESA's regular advanced thematic training courses, these courses initially covered ocean, land and atmosphere applications.

The Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing 2007 was devoted to the exploitation of Earth Observation data from ESA and Third Party Mission instruments for land applications, with a focus on applications over Europe.

The course addressed both Radar and Optical/Thermal remote sensing and focused on GMES land thematic priorities:

  • Land resources (forestry, agriculture, land cover and land use);
  • Disasters (fires, floods, terrain motion);
  • Water resources (water availability).


The objectives of the advanced land training course were to:

  1. Stimulate and support the exploitation of ESA EO and Third Party Mission (TPM) remote sensing data for land applications;
  2. Introduce available tools and methods for the exploitation of ERS, Envisat, TPM and Explorers satellite data ;
  3. Train the next generation of European and Canadian Principal Investigators (PIs)


Introduction to the training course: objectives, programme, logistics (Muriel Simon) (790 KB)

Day 1, Monday 3 Sept - Theory (72,2 MB)

Day 2, Tuesday 4 Sept - Missions, instruments, tools (38,2 MB)

Day 3, Wednesday 5 Sept - Land resources (38,6 MB)

Day 4, Thursday 6 Sept - Disaster management (45,7 MB)

Day 5, Friday 7 Sept - Water resources (33,9 MB)

REFERENCES - SAR Interferometry (12,1 MB)

REFERENCES - SAR Polarimetry (12,5 MB)

REFERENCES - Surface Energy Balance (1,66 MB)

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